Order Management


Order Management

UNIGIS integrates every sales order from each of the corporate systems such as ERP, CRM, WMS, among others, that the company uses to manage its business and operations. These are managed within a centralized system that allows the user to adjust the committed delivery dates, geocode addresses and generate delivery or service orders, depending on what your distribution logistics may require. ​

UNIGIS integrates every sales order from each of the corporate systems such as ERP, CRM, WMS, among others, that the company uses to manage its business and operations. These are managed within a centralized system that allows the user to adjust the committed delivery dates, geocode addresses and generate delivery or service orders, depending on what your distribution logistics may require.

UNIGIS Features and Highlights for Order Management:

Integrates and manages all delivery orders
Consolidates orders by customer and location
Generates delivery orders necessary for planning
Reschedules order delivery dates
Product catalog with volumetrics and other logistical attributes
Smart address geocoder with built-in normalization
Order Status Visibility and Traceability
Workflow engine to configure business rules and order statuses

UNIGIS Features and Highlights for Order Management:

Integrates and manages all delivery orders
Consolidates orders by customer and location
Generates delivery orders necessary for planning
Reschedules order delivery dates
Smart address geocoder with
built-in normalization

Reschedules order delivery dates
Product catalog with volumetrics
and other logistical attributes

Order Status Visibility and Traceability
Workflow engine to configure business
rules and order statuses

monitor en unigis

Unigis Order Management Benefits:

Integrates and manages all delivery orders ​
Consolidates orders by customer and location ​​
Generates delivery orders necessary for planning
Reschedules order delivery dates

Product catalog with volumetrics and other logistical attributes ​​
Smart address geocoder with built-in normalization
Order Status Visibility and Traceability
Workflow engine to configure business rules and order statuses

Unigis Benefits

Business Process Integration
Information Visibility and Traceability

Delivery Compliance
Logistics Cost Reduction

Process Control and Automation
MAPI Integration Interface

Unigis Benefits

Business Process Integration
Information Visibility and Traceability
Delivery Compliance

Logistics Cost Reduction
Process Control and Automation
MAPI Integration Interface

Unigis Benefits

Business Process Integration
Information Visibility and Traceability
Delivery Compliance 
Logistics Cost Reduction
Process Control and Automation
MAPI Integration Interface

Achieve your business challenges with UNIGIS

Achieve your business challenges with UNIGIS


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